Immigration Analogy

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Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration. Certain people are angry that the U.S. might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak … Read More

Four Monkeys

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Perhaps the ‘Four Monkeys’ is how congress operates and emphasizes why there should be term limits. After all congress passed the 22nd Amendment in 1947 to limit the president to two terms in office.I found this on social media. You … Read More


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An entitlement is a provision made in accordance with a legal framework of a society. Typically, entitlements are based on concepts of principle (“rights”) which are themselves based in concepts of social equality or enfranchisement. In recent decades the meaning … Read More

Dangerous Driving Behavior

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HeadlightsMany of the newer automobiles are equipped with fairly bright driving lights. It appears that some driver believe these are headlights, and they will use them when driving in dusk and dawn as well as at night. They do not … Read More

Making up Facts as you go

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Politicians, activists and lobbyist are not helping the situation by making statements as fact that are seemingly made up on-the-fly. Much of the false information is meant to persuade people to follow the speakers agendas, false agendas at that. Sheila … Read More

Why Do People Own Guns?

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Guns are not only for hunting or sports. They can be used for many things such collecting, hunting (big and small game and predators), target shooting and plinking (shooting for fun), other gun sports, defense, law enforcement. It is not … Read More

Do Guns Kill People?

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The notion that guns are killing people is just a short sighted view. Some gun control advocates blame guns for the actions of a few bad actors. When you don’t know about something, you imagine the worst about it, coupled … Read More

Presented Facts

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Most of the information provided in these articles is based on verified facts and significant effort has gone into eliminating biased opinions. There are many points that are purposely aimed at specific political parties or individuals, but this writing is … Read More

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