Presented Facts

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Most of the information provided in these articles is based on verified facts and significant effort has gone into eliminating biased opinions. There are many points that are purposely aimed at specific political parties or individuals, but this writing is not specifically aimed at favoring a party or an attempt to align the readers with a party.

Decisions and conclusions in these articles are made based on available information/data and may change based on additional information becoming available. Information found in these articles has been researched to a great degree. It is possible that some facts were not discovered at the time, thus rendering some of the perspectives invalid. If one or more of the items in any of these articles ultimately turns out to not be completely true (debunked), that does not automatically invalidate the accuracy of the other items presented, much like if a few nails are removed from a house, it does not automatically condemn the dwelling. While considerable due diligence has been expending putting this information together, it is impossible to access all perspectives and information. With this concept in mind, understand that my commentary typically speaks from the majority or most probable perspective, but there are exceptions. Additionally, this principle applies to most aspects of our daily lives.

Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots,