Oliver Surname Branch

This site contains my genealogy research details.

Descendants of William Bradley

William Bradley (M) was born in 1505 in Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire, England and died on 19 Sep 1578 in Bradford, West Riding, Yorkshire, England, at age 73.

William married Anne Singleton, daughter of William Singleton and Anna Heaton, about 1525 in Yorkshire, England. Anne was born about 1505 in Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire, England and died about 1577 in West Bradford, Yorkshire, England, about age 72. They had one son: John.

Ensign John Bradley (M) was born between 1525 and 1532 in Yorkshire, England and died about 1591 in Lincolnshire, England.

Noted events in his life were:

• Children: Some researchers name two other children. Both were sons that died without children., .

• LifeSketch: This is the John who served as" Ensigne in the Siege of Boulogne between 19 July and 18 September 1544, during the third invasion of France by King Henry VIII of England. " See The Four visitations of Berkshire made and taken by Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux, .

• MilitaryService: Ensign at "Seige of Boulongne", Between 19 Jul 1544 and 18 Sep 1544, France.

• Parents and Wife: No documents confirming parents or wife (s) as yet referenced. There are several undocumented and varied speculations., .

• Publications: Colonial Chesapeake Families: British Origins and Descendants 2nd Edition, 2017 Vol.1 Harrison Dwight Cavanagh, .

• Publications:The Four visitations of Berkshire made and taken by Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux anno 1532..., Edited by Rylands, W. Harry, London 1907 ,p.80-81., .


1570, Henry born in England, s/o 11572. John Bradley.
Henry of Okingham, Berkshire. [now Wokingham near Reading.]
1572, Barbara born in England, d/o 11574. Walter Lane.
1618-19, "Sir Thos. Denton, Knt. v. Sir Richard Ingolsby, Knt., and Henry Bradley.: ? The rectory of Buckingham and the lordship of Lenborowe.: Bucks." (S) UK National Archives.
1618-19, "Sir Thomas Denton, Knt. v. Sir Richd. Ingoldsby, Knt., Henry Bradley, …: Prebend, rectory, or parsonage of Buckingham, and the hamlets and fields of Gawcott, Boorton, and Lethenboro', … . Right of way. Tithes.: Bucks." (S) UK National Archives.
11/22/1642, Henry appointed as Attorney in Reading [over Francis Seikes.]
1643, "The Governor (Sir Authur Aston) certifies the King's pleasure and command that Mr. Henry Bradley should be discharged from his office of Attorney." [in favor of Francis Seikes.]
Bef. 9/10/1645, Henry, Clothier of Wokingham, died \endash will proved. (S) UK National Archives.
(S) Family Notes Respecting the Bradley Family of Fairfield, 1894, Bradley, P14. (S) Reading Records: Diary of the Corporation, Guilding, 1896. (S) The Four Visitations of Berkshire, 1908, P80.
-- FamilySearch

John married someone. He had one son: Henry.

Henry Bradley (M) was born in 1570 in Okingham, Berkshire, England and died in 1645 in , Okingham, Berkshire, England, at age 75.

Henry married Barbara Lane. Barbara was born in 1572 in Reading, , Berkshire, England, died about 1605 in , Berkshire, , England, about age 33, and was buried on 7 Sep 1617 in Wokingham, Berkshire, England. They had two children: John and Thomas.

John Bradleye (M) was born in 1596 in Miles, Near Okeingham, Berkshire, England.

REV. Thomas Bradley (M) was born on 7 Aug 1597 in Yorkshire, England, was christened on 29 May 1598 in Wokingham, Berkshire, England, died on 10 Oct 1673 in Ackworth, Yorkshire West Riding, England, at age 76, and was buried in 1672 in Wakefield, Yorkshire, England.


Thomos Bradley was born in 1597, in Berkshire, England.

In the first place he was Chaplin to the old Duke of Buckingham and went with him to the Isle of Rhea and the siege of Rochelle (France).

After his return in 1628 he was made Chaplain to Charles the 1st and between 1630 and 1643 the King made him a gift of the living of Castleford and Ackworth and a Prebendary of York. (revenue from the cathedral).

On the 5th march 1631 he married Frances the youngest daughter of the right Hon. John Lord Savile, Baron of Pontefract, by whom he had several children.

It is generally supposed that Dr Bradley attended Charles 1st to the scaffold 1649 and for his leaning towards the Crown he was sequestered of his living at Ackworth and Castelford.

The Ackworth living was taken over by Thomas Birkbeck, a stiff rump Presbyterian, and Castleford was usurped by Mr. H. Moorhouse an army chaplain.

During the period of Commonwealth Dr Bradley suffered intensively, his house was plundered of all that he had, his wife and children turned out of doors to seek lodgings, the library which he had entrusted to one John Lake of Castleford was betrayed into the hands of his enemies.

In the Hearth Tax rolls for the year 1665 (end of Commonwealth 1660) we see that Dr Bradley is listed as having five hearths, so he must have been living back in the rectory.

When Dr Bradley became rector again in 1663 he set up a New Font which is just through the South Doorway.

From the Parish Register we see that the first baptism took place on the 24th November 1663, the child was his Grand Child Charles, son of Mr. & Mrs. Danyell Godfrey.

In the year 1666 he built two Alms houses off the Village Green for two poor widows.

Dr Bradley died on October 10th 1673 succeeded the year before by Jerimiah Bolton. His monumental slab can be seen on the East wall of the Chancel. It states:-Here resteth the Body of Doctor Thomas Bradly. Rector of this Parish.

His Almshouses built her, shows in part his Goodness, to the poor, his pious book.
And learned work in point, will tell you more, by which he being dead, yet speaketh Obuit.
October 10, An.D. 1673.

Heraldry on tablet.

Two shields A, held by an angel, a fez between. three round buckles, in center chief a crescent for difference - (Brabley) Imp. on a bent three owls (Savile).

(Revision 1948 by Oxford Press)

THOMAS BRADLEY D.D OX (Attempt 85,212,)
Prebend of York 1660
Rector of Castelford 1630 and Ackworth 1643

Sequestered from Ackworth before 20th May 1646, when the House of Lords admitted T. Birkbeck (c,r), presented under the Great Seal.

Committee for Plundered Ministers 13th April 1647 granted fifths from both livings to his wife Frances.

One of the preachers to the Troops under Sir G. Wentworth at Pontefract during siege 1644.

Ascended at £300 by Calender of the proceedings of the committee for advance of money 1645.

Published (preface dated Oxford 1 Jan 1650( 1) two sermons, preached 25th Dec 1650 at Winchester, when visiting his two sons at College, dedicated to his wife Francis, daughter of John Lord Savile of Pontefract, he formerly was her chaplain.

States she suffered much by sequestration and plundering. His chief loss was his books which he entrusted to J. Lake of Casteford, ( later vicar of Rye Sussex and Rotherham ) who treacherously appropriated them, concealing them when Bradley's goods were sequestered through he was one of the values.

Restored 1660-73 died.

Interim add H. Moorhouse. Calamy Revised A.G. Mathews 1934.

Bodleian Library. minute books of the committee for plundered ministers. 324.228.W.MS.C.8. 13. Dictionary of National Biography 1908 where note his published proposal 1658 of full exactions of tithes and first fruits.

III. THOMAS BRADLEY, dr. in divinity and chaplain to K. Charles the First, now prebend in the cathedral church of York and rector of Ackworth, in com. Ebor., ait. 67 an. 7° Aug. a 0 1665, of Berks., pleb. mat. at Exeter Coll., Oxford, 9 May 1617, ret. seventeen, B.A. 21 June 1620, D.D. 20 Dec. 1642, Rector of Castleford 1630, of Ackworth 1643. A great Royalist, expelled from his livings 1644, restored at the Restoration (see Diet. Nat. Biography). Died 10, bur. at Ackworth 17 Dec. 1672, mar. 5 May 1631 Frances, daughter unto John Lord Savile of Pomfret, in com. Eborum, d. 30 Jan. 166f, bur. at Ackworth. M.I.

Taken from
-- FamilySearch


III. THOMAS BRADLEY^ dr. in divinity and chaplain to K. Charles the First, in the cathedral church of York and rector of Achvorth, in com. Ubor., ad. 67 an. 7" Aug. a° IGGo, of Berks., pleb. mat. at Exetei'*Coll., Oxford, 9 May 1617, let. seventeen, B.A. 21 June 1620, D.D. 20 Dec. 1642, Rector of Castleford 1630, of Ackworth 1643. A great Royalist, expelled from his livings 1644, restored at the Restoration (see Diet. Nat. Biography). Died 10, bur. at Ackworth 17 Dec. 1672, mar. 5 May 1631 Frances, damjhter unto John Lord Savile of Pomfret, in com. Eborum, d. 30 Jan. 166|, bur. at Ackworth. M.I. They had issue - 1. Thomas Bradley, a merchant in Virginia, oit. 32, an. 7'> 1605. 2. Savile Bradley, Fellow of Magdalen Coll edge, in Oxford, mat. Hart Hall 17 Dec. 1654, Fellow of New Coll., B.A. 14 Apr. 1659, M.A. 3 July 1661. 3. Francis Bradley (mar. lie. 2 Nov. 1675 Francis Bradley of Acworth, gent., bachelor, about thirty-five, and Mrs. Jane Jennings, of St. Martin in the Fields, spinster, about thirty at St. Martin, St. Mary, Savoy or St. Paul, Covent Garden). Barbara, wife of Daaiell Godfrey of Muffield, in com. Oxon. They had issue - 1. Daniel. 2. Charles, bp. in " the new font " at Ackworth, 24 Nov. 1663

The genealogist by Selby, Walford Dakin, 1845-1889; Harwood, H. W. Forsyth; Murray, Keith W Publication date 1900
-- FamilySearch

Thomas married Frances Savile. Frances was born in 1604 in Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, was christened in Feb 1604 in Thornhill, Yorkshire, England, died on 30 Jan 1664 in Ackworth, Yorkshire West Riding, England, at age 60, and was buried in 1664 in Ackworth, Yorkshire, England. They had one son: Thomas.

Thomas Bradley (M) was born in Dec 1632 in Ackworth, Yorkshire, England, was christened on 25 Dec 1632 in Castleford, Yorkshire, England, died in Dec 1717 in Virginia, British Colonial America, at age 85, and was buried on 25 Dec 1717 in Shropshire, England.

Noted events in his life were:

• He was baptized in Dec 1632 in Castleford, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom.

• Emmigration: Left England for Virginia, 1655, Virginia, United States.


Bradley, Thomas, a merchant in Virginia 1665, eldest son of Thomas Bradley, D. D., chaplain to Charles I, Prebend of York and Rector of Ackworth, Yorkshire; a great Royalist, and his wife Frances, daughter of John, Lord Saville, of Pontefract." Genealogist (new series), XVI, 117.

Thomas Bradley was a member of the VA House of Burgesses and owned a plantation near John Kimbough I in New Kent county.
-- FamilySearch


Thomas Bradley (1632) was listed as having 255 acres of land in New Kent County on the 1704 Quit Rent Rolls. In addition, there are copies of several land patents to this Thomas Bradley from 1690 to 1706 on record with The Virginia State Library. The first direct verifiable evidence of Thomas Bradley that can be found in New Kent County, Virginia comes in the form of land patent deeds on record with the Library of Virginia in Richmond. The first of these is a patent for 655 acres of land in New Kent County, and dated October 26th 1699. The description of this property indicates that it sat on both sides of the great southwest branch of the Pamunkey River about 3 miles north of Manheim . This would indicate that the land was most likely in an area that became King and Queen County, and later King William County Virginia." See Cavaliers and Pioneers' Vol. III 1695 \endash 1732 page 31. Marion Nell Nugent. Land Office Patents No. 9, 1697-1706 (v.1 & 2 p.1-742), p. 223 (Reel 9).
-- FamilySearch

Thomas married Elizabeth. Elizabeth was born in 1637 in Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America and died after 1716 in New Kent, New Kent, Virginia, British Colonial America. They had one son: Edward.

Edward Bradley (M) was born in 1680 in New Kent, New Kent, Virginia, British Colonial America and died in 1732 in Caroline, Virginia, British Colonial America, at age 52.


Edward Bradley was born about 1680, probably in New Kent County, Virginia Colony, and he was the son of Thomas Bradley of the same county, and parish. Some have attempted to associate Edward as the son of William Bradley of Middlesex County, Virginia, who was the son of Robert Bradley and Anne Bradshaw, however, this is proven to be incorrect by Y-DNA testing. Edwards' descendants, do not match Robert Bradley's male line descendants Y-DNA.

The earliest record for Edward Bradley is a birth record for two of his sons, Isaac born in 1705, and John, born in 1707[1]. He next appears in land processioning records for St. Paul's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia Colony in 1711.[2]1716, [3],and 1719.[4]. Based upon the birth year of his son Isaac, he is estimated to have married sometime between 1703 and 1704, to Sarah Terry.

Edward and Sarah are also known to have had at least two other sons, Terry in 1725 and Edward II in 1726. However, based on the wide range in age between John in 1707, and Edward II in 1726, there were probably other sons and daughters, for which we have no documentation available. Terry is proven through triangulation of Y-DNA[5] , while Edward 1726 is well documented in Fayette and Bourbon Counties in Kentucky. [6]

Edward passed away sometime in 1732, and probably before August 3, 1732[7]. The executors of his estate were Sarah Coockson, and James Terry, who was probably Sarah's father. The estate was settled in 1734.[8] Sarah remarried to Lancelot Cookson soon after Edward's death, as she is listed as Sarah Coockson in court documents in which she has filed suit on behalf of Edwards estate.
-- FamilySearch

Court Record

"At a Court continued & held for Spotsylvania County November ye Seventh 1733 - On the Petition of Sarah Cookson, Executrix & c. & James Terry, Executor of the last Will and Testament & c. of Edward Bradley deced. Agst. John Word for four pounds and two pence currant money, ye Defendt. Appeared and confessed Judgment for the same with costs and an attorneys fee;It is therefore ordered that the said Defendt. Do pay the said Plt. The same alias Exo.On the motion of Stephen Terry, he is allowed for Four days attendance as he was summoned an evidence for Sarah Cookson & James Terry, Exrx. & Exr. Of Edward Bradley deced. Agst. John Word and for comeing and goeing thirty five miles twice, It is therefore ordered that the said Cookson & Terry, Exrs. & c. as aforesaid do pay the said Stephen Terry for the same alias Exo.From:"SA.OB-06/91 Virginia County Court Records '96 Order Book Abstracts of Spotsylvania County, Virginia 1732-1734 (The Material in this Book is taken from Spotsylvania County Order Book 1730-1738 for Courts held 3 August 1732 '96 5 February 1733/34)" Edited and Published by Ruth and Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, Virginia.
-- FamiltSearch

Edward married Sarah Terry in 1703 in Caroline, Virginia, British Colonial America. Sarah was born in 1685 in Hanover, Virginia, British Colonial America and died in 1750 in Spotsylvania, Virginia, British Colonial America, at age 65. They had eight children: Thomas, Isaac, John, James Terry, Richard, Terry Thomas, Edward, and William.

Thomas Bradley (M) was born in 1704 in New Kent, Colony of Virginia, British Colonial America and died in 1780, at age 76.

Isaac Bradley (M) was born on 18 May 1705 in Northumberland, Virginia, United States.

John Bradley Sr. (M) was born on 13 Jul 1707 in St. Stephen's Parish, New Kent, Virginia, British Colonial America, died on 24 Jun 1778 in Tryon, North Carolina, United States, at age 70, and was buried on 25 Jun 1778 in Bradley-Ledbetter Cemetery in Montford Cove Township, McDowell County, North Carolina.

James Terry Bradley (M) was born about 1710 in Caroline, Virginia, United States and died after 1734.

Richard Bradley (M) was born in 1711 in St. Stephens Parish, King and Queen, Virginia, British Colonial America and died in 1767 in Virginia, British Colonial America, at age 56.

Terry Thomas Bradley (M) was born in 1725 in Virginia, British Colonial America and died in 1785 in North Carolina, United States, at age 60.

Terry married Mary Molly Keeling. Mary was born on 18 Apr 1722 in Middlesex, Colony of Virginia, British Colonial America and died on 14 Oct 1770 in Surry, Colony of North Carolina, British Colonial America, at age 48. They had nine children: Molley, Molly Keeling, Leonard Keeling, John W, Edward R., Richard, George, Molly Rebis Kelin, and Matthew.

Molley Bradley (F) was born in 1752.

Molly Keeling Bradley (F) was born in 1753 in North Carolina.

Lieut Leonard Keeling Bradley (M) was born on 24 Apr 1756 in Surry, North Carolina, British Colonial America, died on 2 Dec 1834 in Moberly, Randolph, Missouri, United States, at age 78, and was buried in Bruce Cemetery, Randolph, Missouri, United States.

Noted events in his life were:

• He had a residence in 1820 in Fayette, Kentucky.

• He had a residence in 1830 in Randolph, Missouri, United States.


The father of Thomas Bradley, Leonard Keeling Bradley, Sr., was born 1756 in North Carolina. By his own account in his Revolutionary War pension records (file R12679, in sources), Leonard served in the North Carolina Militia for seven tours during the war, each lasting between three and nine months. His first tour was as a volunteer, or minute man, in January 1776. By his third tour in June 1778, he was commissioned as a Lieutenant and was part of a detachment in charge of the supply wagons. He remained with them at Ashley Ferry, South Carolina, while Gen. Benjamin Lincoln led an eight mile march to attack at the Battle of Stono Ferry on 20 Jun 1779. His sixth tour found him defending the city against the British during the Siege of Charleston which began 2 Apr 1780. He was among the thousands of soldiers who were surrendered to the British as prisoners of war on 12 May 1780. He was paroled eight days later and obliged to remain on his plantation in St. Jude's Parish, Surry County, North Carolina, until a general exchange of prisoners occurred in the Summer of 1781. He was drafted into his final tour soon afterward in September of the same year, and he remained in service until 1 March 1782. During this period he was in a company of horsemen, or cavalry, involved in several skirmishes outside the city of Wilmington, North Carolina.

Following the close of the Revolutionary War, Leonard Keeling Bradley moved westward to Kentucky. He married, on June 20, 1785, Mary "Polly" Boone, a niece to legendary Daniel Boone.@ Boone's Station, Fayette County, Kentucky.

She was the daughter of Samuel Boone and Sarah Day.

An unpublished manuscript written by Tim Capps in 1985, recounts the history of the Boone's Creek Baptist Church located near here using the original church records. One of the eighteen founding members of this church was Samuel Boone who was Leonard's father-in-law as well as an older brother of Daniel Morgan Boone, the legendary frontiersman. These records show that Leonard probably wasn't the most pious member of his congregation. He was charged but cleared of a fist fight in 1799, then he was suspended from the church in 1801 for excessive drinking. According to the pension record, his family relocated in 1825 to Randolph County, Missouri, where his son, Thomas, was already living. He died here 2 Dec 1834 and was buried in Bruce Cemetery near Clark, Randolph County, Missouri. His wife died 1 Nov 1851, and, according to local history, she was buried with her husband.

After Leonard Keeling Bradley's marriage to Polly, they lived in Fayette Co., KY where he farmed and did some survey work. In 1796, he was appointed Justice of the Peace for Fayette Co., KY by Kentucky Governor Garrard. Leonard and Polly Boone had 12 children of whom 11 lived to adulthood. They included Terry, Elizabeth, Samuel Boone, Thomas, Keeling, Edward R., Levi Day, Squire Boone, Milton, Newton, Louise Lura, and Calvin. Pauline Brown, an integral part to Sunday's event, is a descendant of Squire Boone Bradley and his wife Lucetta Estes Sharp.

Around 1825, Leonard Keeling Bradley moved his family to what is today Randolph County, Mo. Some of his children moved with him in 1825 while others followed a few years later. It is in Randolph County where he applied for his Revolutionary War Pension, which gives us documentation of his patriotic service during the Revolutionary War. He died on December 2, 1834 and was buried here at the Bruce Cemetery.

Pension Number:
Service Source:
Service Description:

Bio Plagiarized from many sources, Mainly Rick Wilson @ http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wilsweik/data/Bradley.htm : )

Great info here as well > http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~wilsweik/data/Bradley.docs.htm

Recent news article here , Very Nice http://www.moberlymirror.com/community/bradley-revolutionary-war-veteran-grave-site-recognized-by -the-dar/

Leonard married Mary Polly Boone, daughter of Samuel J Boone and Sarah Louise Day, on 20 Jun 1785 in Bryan's Station, Fayette, Kentucky, United States. Mary was born on 7 Mar 1766 in Rowan, North Carolina, British Colonial America, died on 1 Nov 1851 in Moberly, Randolph, Missouri, United States, at age 85, and was buried in 1851 in Bruce Cemetery, Clark, Randolph, Missouri, United States. They had 12 children: Terry Joseph, Elizabeth, Samuel Boone, Thomas Levi, Keeling, Edward R, Levi Day, Squire Boone, Milton, Newton, Lura, and Calvin.

Noted events in her life were:

• She had a residence in 1820 in Fayette, Kentucky, United States.

• She had a residence in 1830 in Randolph, Missouri, United States.

Terry Joseph Bradley (M) was born on 16 Apr 1786 in Fayette, Kentucky, United States and died on 17 Apr 1862 in Huntsville, Randolph, Missouri, United States, at age 76.

Elizabeth Bradley (F) was born on 22 Oct 1787 in Fayette, Kentucky, United States and died on 27 Apr 1819, at age 31.

Elizabeth married William Moore, son of Amos Moore and Sarah Foreman, in 1800 in Pennsylvania, United States. William was born in 1782 in Franklin, Venango, Pennsylvania, United States and died on 19 Nov 1858 in Georgetown, Brown, Ohio, United States, at age 76. They had one daughter: Elizabeth Bradley.

Noted events in his life were:

• He had a residence in 1840 in Pleasant Township, Brown, Ohio, United States.

• He had a residence in 1850 in Pleasant Township, Brown, Ohio, United States.

Elizabeth Bradley Moore (F) was born on 25 Apr 1819 in Kentucky, United States and died on 2 Sep 1850 in Adair, Missouri, United States, at age 31.

Noted events in her life were:

• She had a residence in 1850 in Schuyler county, Schuyler, Missouri, United States.

Elizabeth married Matthew Davis Oliver, son of Willam Oliver and Sarah Sally Davis, on 29 Sep 1831 in Randolph, Missouri, United States. Matthew was born on 25 Dec 1809 in Clark, Kentucky, United States, died on 1 Jan 1892 in Franklin Township, Clarke, Iowa, United States, at age 82, and was buried in Lewis Cemetery, Clarke, Iowa, United States. They had seven children: Milton Bradley, Mary Boon, Sarah Ann, Laura Elizabeth, William Lock Stevens, Rebecca Minerva, and Joseph Calvin.

Noted events in his life were:

• He had a residence in 1850 in Schuyler county, Schuyler, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1860 in Salt River Township, Schuyler, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1870 in Iowa, United States.

• He had a residence in 1885 in Franklin, Clarke, Iowa, United States.

Milton Bradley Oliver (M) was born on 10 Dec 1832 in Salt River Township, Schuyler, Missouri, United States, died on 9 Feb 1884 in Clarke County, Iowa, United States, at age 51, and was buried in Hastings Cemetery, Hastings, Mills, Iowa, United States.

Mary Boon Oliver (F) was born on 13 Jun 1835 in Missouri, United States and died on 4 Jan 1915 in Iowa, United States, at age 79.

Sarah Ann Oliver (F) was born on 28 Jun 1837 in Randolph, Missouri, United States, died on 26 Apr 1920 in El Paso, El Paso, Texas, United States, at age 82, and was buried in Monte Vista Cemetery, Alamogordo, Otero, New Mexico, United States.

Laura Elizabeth Oliver (F) was born on 14 Mar 1839 in Missouri, United States, died on 30 Apr 1880 in Missouri, United States, at age 41, and was buried in Fugate Cemetery, Salt River Township, Schuyler, Missouri, United States.

William Lock Stevens Oliver (M) was born on 14 Apr 1843 in Randolph, Missouri, United States, died on 3 Jun 1932 in Franklin Township, Clarke, Iowa, United States, at age 89, and was buried on 5 Jun 1932 in Horton Cemetery, Smyrna, Clarke, Iowa, United States.

Rebecca Minerva Oliver (F) was born in 1845 in Indiana, United States and died about 1 May 1881 in Holt, Clay, Missouri, United States, about age 36.

Joseph Calvin Oliver (M) was born on 20 Oct 1845 in Salt River Township, Schuyler, Missouri, United States, died on 24 Jan 1934 in Westville, Chariton, Missouri, United States, at age 88, and was buried in 1934 in Chariton, Missouri, United States. The cause of his death was Cerebral Hemorrhage/Arterial Sclerosis.

Noted events in his life were:

• Burial: Standley Cemetery, Chariton, Missouri, United States, .

• He had a residence in 1850 in Schuyler county, Schuyler, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1860 in Salt River Township, Schuyler, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1870 in Iowa, United States.

• He had a residence in 1880 in Clark, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1900 in ED 33 Clark Township, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1910 in Clark, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1920 in Clark Township, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1930 in Clark, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

Joseph married Delilah Mae Elizabeth Cupp, daughter of Claiborne Cupp and Sarah Abney, in 1866 in Chariton, Missouri, United States. Delilah was born on 10 Mar 1849 in Warsaw, Benton, Missouri, United States, died on 2 Apr 1927 in Clark Township, Chariton, Missouri, United States, at age 78, and was buried in 1927 in Chariton, Missouri, United States. The cause of her death was Cancer of the Liver. Another name for Delilah was Delicy Cupp. They had 13 children: William Nathaniel, Claborn Matthew, Ida Mae, Charles M., Luther Franklin, Joseph Preston, Armada, Ruth Maria, Fletcher, Martha L., Charles, Lloyd, and Alphonzo.

Noted events in her life were:

• She worked as a Housewife had 13 children on an unknown date.

• She had a residence in 1850 in Prairie, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• She had a residence in 1860 in Bee Branch Township, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• She had a residence in 1870 in Iowa, United States.

• She had a residence in 1880 in Clark, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• She had a residence in 1900 in ED 33 Clark Township, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• She had a residence in 1910 in Clark, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• Burial: Standley Cemetery, Chariton, Missouri, United States, 1927.

William Nathaniel Oliver (M) was born on 23 Feb 1869 in Chariton, Missouri, United States, died on 5 Dec 1937 in Clark Township, Chariton, Missouri, United States, at age 68, and was buried in 1937 in Yellow Creek Township, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

Claborn Matthew Oliver (M) was born on 25 Apr 1871 in Iowa, United States, died on 12 May 1968 in Chariton, Missouri, United States, at age 97, and was buried in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States.

Noted events in his life were:

• He had a residence in 1880 in Clark Township, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1900 in Marceline Township, Linn, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1910 in Jackson Township, Shelby, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1920 in Salt River Township, Shelby, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1930 in Clark Township, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1935 in Salt River Township, Shelby, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1940 in Salt River Township, Shelby, Missouri, United States.

Claborn married Veira Vina Lucy Reisher on 20 Dec 1891 in Chariton, Missouri, United States. Veira was born in Mar 1873 in Missouri, United States, died in 1951 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States, at age 78, and was buried in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States. They had two children: Willie and Jesse Matthew.

Willie Oliver (M) was born on 15 Sep 1892 in Missouri, United States, died on 19 Jul 1961, at age 68, and was buried in Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Kansas, United States.

Jesse Matthew Oliver (M) was born on 24 Feb 1894 in Lakenan, Shelby, Missouri, United States, died on 25 Dec 1961 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States, at age 67, and was buried in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States.

Noted events in his life were:

• He had a residence in 1900 in Marceline Township, Linn, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1910 in Jackson Township, Shelby, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1930 in Genesee, Waukesha, Wisconsin, United States.

• He had a residence in 1940 in Dousman, Waukesha, Wisconsin, United States.

Jesse married Carrie Rose Davy. Carrie was born about Mar 1898 in Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, United States, died on 7 Aug 1960 in Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, United States, about age 62, and was buried in 1960 in Milton, Rock, Wisconsin, United States.

Ida Mae Oliver (F) was born on 19 Jan 1873 in Westville, Chariton, Missouri, United States, died on 10 Oct 1937 in Mendon Township, Chariton, Missouri, United States, at age 64, and was buried in Old Stanley Cemetery, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

Charles M. Oliver (M) was born on 13 Mar 1876 and died about 13 Mar 1876.

Luther Franklin Oliver (M) was born on 24 Jun 1877 in Chariton, Missouri, United States, died on 22 Jun 1959 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States, at age 81, and was buried in Chariton, Missouri, United States.

Joseph Preston Oliver (M) was born on 29 Jan 1879 in Chariton, Missouri, United States, died on 11 Oct 1962 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States, at age 83, and was buried in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States. Another name for Joseph was Tine Oliver.

Noted events in his life were:

• He had a residence in 1880 in Clark, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1900 in ED 33 Clark Township, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1920 in Marceline Ward 1, Linn, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1930 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1940 in Ward 4, Marceline, Marceline Township, Linn, Missouri, United States.

Joseph married Betty Ann Noah. Betty was born on 5 Dec 1892 in Chariton, Missouri, United States, died on 2 May 1967 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States, at age 74, and was buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Linn, Missouri, United States. They had two children: Joe Edward and Florence Wanda.

Joe Edward Oliver (M) was born on 24 Nov 1909 in Chariton, Missouri, United States, died on 4 May 2002 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States, at age 92, and was buried in 2002 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States.

Florence Wanda Oliver (F) was born on 25 Oct 1921 in Missouri, United States and died on 26 Jan 1999 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States, at age 77.

Armada Oliver (F) was born on 4 Mar 1881 in Chariton, Missouri, United States, died in Mar 1977 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States, at age 96, and was buried in Mar 1977 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States. Another name for Armada was Mada Oliver.

Ruth Maria Oliver (F) was born on 24 May 1882 in Chariton, Missouri, United States, died on 10 Aug 1925 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States, at age 43, and was buried in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States.

Fletcher Oliver (M) was born in 1883 in Chariton, Missouri, United States, died in 1883 in Chariton, Missouri, United States, and was buried in Chariton, Missouri, United States.

Martha L. Oliver (F) was born on 28 Apr 1885 in Chariton, Missouri, United States, was christened in Chariton, Missouri, United States, died on 2 Oct 1885 in Chariton, Missouri, United States, and was buried in 1885 in Westville, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

Charles Oliver (M) was born about 1887 in Missouri, United States and died before 1900 in Missouri, United States.

Lloyd Oliver (M) was born on 12 Aug 1889 in Westville, Chariton, Missouri, United States, died on 25 Nov 1961 in Los Angeles, California, United States, at age 72, and was buried in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States. The cause of his death was Toxemia/Hepatic Insufficiency (Liver failure).

Noted events in his life were:

• He had a residence in 1900 in ED 33 Clark Township, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• He had a residence in 1930 in Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States.

• He had a residence in 1935 in Los Angeles, California, United States.

• He had a residence in 1940 in Judicial Township 3, Inyo, California, United States.

• He had a residence on 10 Apr 1950 in Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Life Sketch

Lloyd was born on 12 Aug 1889 in Westville, Missouri to Joseph Calvin Oliver and Delilah Mae Cupp.

Lloyd and Georgia Anna Potter were married on 12 Jan 1917 in Keytesville Township, Missouri. They had 7 children. The marriage ended in divorce before 1940.

They were heavy drinkers and fought often. They were not able to provide for their children and they children were sent to orphanages.

Lloyd died on 25 Nov 1961 in Los Angeles, California (age 72) and is buried in Marceline, Missouri.

Lloyd married Georgia Anna Potter, daughter of General P. Potter and Emma Granstad, on 12 Jan 1917 in Keytesville Township, Chariton, Missouri, United States. The marriage ended in divorce. Georgia was born on 21 Apr 1901 in Cunningham, Chariton, Missouri, United States and died on 14 Jul 1985 in San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California, United States, at age 84. They had seven children: Delilah Marjorie, Mildred Juanita, Wanda Emogene, Anola Beatrice, Millie Opal, Lloyd, and George.

Marriage Notes: It is highly likely that Lloyd and Georgia were divorced before 1940. They are not living in the same household at the time of the 1940 census.

Noted events in her life were:

• She had a residence in 1910 in Cunningham, Chariton, Missouri, United States.

• She had a residence in 1930 in Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States.

Delilah Marjorie Oliver (F) was born on 15 Dec 1918 in Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States and died on 1 Jan 1999 in Ontario, San Bernardino, California, United States, at age 80.

Noted events in her life were:

• She had a residence in 1930 in Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States.

• She had a residence in 1935 in Winterset, Madison, Iowa, United States.

• She had a residence in 1940 in Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States.

Delilah married Preno Bisacchi on 8 Feb 1941 in Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States. Preno was born on 23 Dec 1915 in Lehigh, Webster, Iowa, United States, died on 14 Apr 1983 in Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States, at age 67, and was buried in 1983 in Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States. They had one daughter: Roxanna Jean.

Roxanna Jean Bissachi (F) was born on 12 Jun 1943 in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, United States and died on 31 Dec 2017 in Temecula, Riverside, California, United States, at age 74.

Delilah next married Frank Orwin. Frank was born about 1918. They had one son: Lloyd.

Lloyd Orwin (M) was born on 25 Jan 1940 in Fort Dodge, Webster, Keokuk, Iowa, United States, died on 8 Feb 1989 in Rialto, San Bernardino, California, United States, at age 49, and was buried in Riverside, Riverside, California, United States.

Mildred Juanita Oliver (F) was born on 3 May 1920 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States, died in 1981 in Osage Beach, Camden, Missouri, United States, at age 61, and was buried in 1981 in Cedar Cemetery, Cedar Township, Calhoun, Iowa, United States.

Noted events in her life were:

• She had a residence in 1930 in Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States.

• She had a residence in 1935 in Toledo, Tama, Iowa, United States.

• She had a residence in 1940 in Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States.

Wanda Emogene Oliver (F) was born in 1923 in Missouri, United States.

Noted events in her life were:

• She had a residence in 1930 in Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States.

Anola Beatrice Oliver (F) was born on 12 Dec 1924 in Missouri, United States and died on 3 Sep 2012 in Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana, United States, at age 87. Another name for Anola was Nola Oliver.

Medical Notes: It is almost definite that a Find-a-Grave page does not exist, I was told by Sandy that her body was to be cremated.

Noted events in her life were:

• She had a residence in 1930 in Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States.

• She had a residence in 1935 in Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana, United States.

• She had a residence in 1940 in Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana, United States.

• She had a residence on 3 Apr 1950 in Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana, United States.

Life Sketch

Anola Beatrice "Nola" Oliver was the grandmother of Thomas Joseph Elias and my sisters, and I never met her. She was known to many as Nola.

She was born on 12 Dec 1924 in Missouri to Lloyd Oliver and Georgia Anna Potter. She was raised mostly by her adopted mother, Fannie Belle Williams.

Her parents argued and fought a lot and were unable to take care of their children. The children were all sent to orphanages.

Nola was fostered then adopted at age 6 or 7 by Fannie Belle Williams about 1931. On the 1940 US census, she is listed as being a niece of Fannie, but that may not be the case. Fannie was a college professor and was never married and did not have children.

Nola left Ben and Sandy when Sandy was 5 years old. Nola wrote letters and sent boxes of clothes for Sandy's son for a few months then it stopped. Sandy went to visit her in Indiana a couple of times before Nola passed away.

In 1930, she lived in Fort Dodge, Iowa with her parents, after that she lived in La Salle Township, Illinois for a brief period, then in Valparaiso, Indiana for the rest of her life.

Nola died 3 Sep 2012 in Valparaiso, Indiana at age 87. She spent the last several years of her life in an assisted living facility and had dementia. Her body was cremated.

Anola had a relationship with John Benjamin Littlefair, son of Joseph William Littlefair and Fannie Mae Taylor, about 1944. Marriage status: unmarried. John was born on 1 Feb 1922 in Marseilles, La Salle, Illinois, United States, died on 6 Feb 1983 in Houston, Harris, Texas, United States, at age 61, and was buried in 1983 in Houston National Cemetery, Houston, Harris, Texas, United States. The cause of his death was COPD/Heart desease. Another name for John was Ben Littlefair. They had one daughter: Sandra Kay.

Marriage Notes: It is not clear that they were married, if they were, they got divorced. No evidence of this marriage has been located; however, Ben's daughter (Sandy) was later told by relatives that Ben's mother (Fanny Taylor) would not allow them to live in her house unless they were married. It is suspected that they created a fake marriage license to show her. \'96 per Sandy (Littlefair) Elias.

Noted events in his life were:

• He was employed.

• He had a residence in 1930 in Marseilles, La Salle, Illinois, United States.

• Notable: Franklin D. Roosevelt replaced Herbert Hoover as 32nd US President, 4 Mar 1933.

• He had a residence in 1935 in Marseilles, La Salle, Illinois, United States.

• He had a residence in 1940 in Marseilles, La Salle, Illinois, United States.

• Notable: Japan Attacked Pearl Harbor, 12 Jul 1941.

• John served in the military in 1942.

• Notable: Harry S. Truman replaced Franklin D. Roosevelt as 33rd US President, 12 Apr 1945.

• He had a residence on 3 Apr 1950 in Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana, United States.

• He had a residence in 1960 in Houston, Harris, Texas, United States.

• Notable: Cuban Missile Crisis began, 16 Oct 1962.

• Notable: Apollo 11 Moon Landing, 20 Jul 1969.

• He had a residence in 1970 in Houston, Harris, Texas, United States.

• He had a residence in 1980 in Houston, Harris, Texas, United States.

Sandra Kay Littlefair

Sandra married Eugene Joseph Elias, son of Johnnie Raymond Elias and Alice Elizabeth Marek, on 21 Jan 1961 in Missouri City, Fort Bend, Texas, United States. Eugene was born on 1 Dec 1943 in Houston, Harris, Texas, United States, died on 24 Apr 1992 in Brenham, Washington, Texas, United States, at age 48, and was buried in 1992 in Earthman Resthaven Cemetery, Houston, Harris, Texas, United States. The cause of his death was Automobile crash. Another name for Eugene was Gene Elias. They had three children: Thomas Joseph, Tammy Sue, and Debra Kay.

Noted events in his life were:

• He was employed.

• He had a residence on 24 Apr 1950 in Houston, Harris, Texas, United States.

• Notable: Fidel Castro Cuban rule start, 1959.

• He was employed in Sep 1961.

• He was employed from 1965 to 1975.

• Notable: Movie: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly was released, 1966.

• He had a residence in 1972 in Spring, Harris, Texas, United States.

• Notable: Movie: The Sting was released, 1973.

• He had a residence in 1982 in Brenham, Washington, Texas, United States.

Thomas Joseph Elias

Thomas married Cynthia Carol Catlett, daughter of Ernest Gene Catlett and Mamie Josephine Sandefur.

Thomas next married Susan Denise Woodward, daughter of Clifton Boykin Woodward and Patricia Ann Evans.

Tammy Sue Elias (F) was born on 2 Jul 1963 in Houston, Harris, Texas, United States and died on 4 Jul 2021 in Bryan, Brazos, Texas, United States, at age 58. The cause of her death was accidently choked on food.

Tammy married Douglas Ray Draehn, son of Melvin Max Eduard Draehn and Lydia Emma Eickhoff.

Debra Kay Elias

Debra married Ronnie Dee Smith, son of Tommy Jerald Smith and Patricia Ann Miller. They had one daughter: Brittany Anne.

Brittany Anne Smith

Brittany married Jose Hector Hernandez.

Brittany next married Jonathan Frederick Haro, son of Jorge Enrigue Haro and Linda Darlene Morton. They had three children: Keegan Stanley, Brodie Joseph, and Landon Jon.

Keegan Stanley Haro

Brodie Joseph Haro

Landon Jon Haro

Anola next married Carlen Wayne Lewis, son of William Carlen Lewis and Hester Nelvina King, on 5 Nov 1952 in Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana, United States. Carlen was born on 9 Apr 1922 in Temple Hill, Pope, Illinois, United States, died on 30 Oct 1990 in California, United States, at age 68, and was buried in 1990 in New Buffalo, Berrien, Michigan, United States. They had three children: Carlen Lee, James Edward, and Beverly Jean.

Noted events in his life were:

• He had a residence in 1930 in Westchester Township, Porter, Indiana, United States.

• He had a residence in 1935 in Rural, La Porte, Indiana, United States.

• He had a residence in 1940 in Crocker, Liberty Township, Porter, Indiana, United States.

Carlen Lee Lewis (M) was born on 21 Jan 1954 in Gary, Lake, Indiana, United States, died on 20 Dec 1976 in Fort Carson, El Paso, Colorado, United States, at age 22, and was buried in 1976 in Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana, United States.

James Edward Lewis (M) was born on 6 Jun 1955 and died on 26 Dec 1981 in Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana, United States, at age 26.

Beverly Jean Lewis

Beverly married David Stout. They had two children: Amber and Bryan.

Amber Stout

Bryan Stout

Millie Opal Oliver (F) was born on 3 Jan 1927 in Iowa, United States, died on 27 Feb 2001 in Benton, Iowa, United States, at age 74, and was buried in 2001 in Vinton, Benton, Iowa, United States.

Noted events in her life were:

• She had a residence in 1930 in Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States.

• She had a residence in 1940 in Ward 1, Vinton, Vinton Township, Benton, Iowa, United States.

• She had a residence on 27 Feb 2001 in Cedar Rapids-Iowa City, Iowa, United States.

Millie married Donald Wilson Schoonover on 23 Apr 1945. Donald was born on 13 Oct 1923 in Mount Auburn, Benton, Iowa, United States and died on 5 Jan 1994 in Douglas, Oregon, United States, at age 70. They had six children: Michael, Tom, Tana Dee, Colleen, Cathie, and Toby Lynn.

Michael Schoonover

Tom Schoonover

Tana Dee Schoonover

Colleen Schoonover

Cathie Schoonover

Toby Lynn Schoonover

Millie next married Robert Edwin Keffer. Robert was born on 7 Dec 1913 in Iowa, United States, died on 16 Sep 1996 in Vinton, Benton, Iowa, United States, at age 82, and was buried in 1996 in Vinton, Benton, Iowa, United States. They had one daughter: Kelly Ann.

Kelly Ann Keffer

Lloyd Oliver Jr (M) was born in 1928 in Iowa, United States.

Noted events in his life were:

• He had a residence in 1930 in Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States.

George Oliver (M) was born in 1930 in Iowa, United States.

Alphonzo Oliver (M) was born on 29 Dec 1891 in Missouri, United States, died on 16 May 1966 in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States, at age 74, and was buried in Marceline, Linn, Missouri, United States.

Samuel Boone Bradley Sr (M) was born on 30 Jan 1790 in Fayette, Kentucky, United States and died on 22 Feb 1871 in Schuyler, Missouri, United States, at age 81.

Thomas Levi Bradley (M) was born on 1 Oct 1792 in Lexington, Fayette, Kentucky, United States, died on 17 Feb 1853 in Lancaster, Schuyler, Missouri, United States, at age 60, and was buried in Feb 1853 in (Bradley Cem.) Lancaster, Schuyler, MO.

Keeling Bradley (M) was born on 22 Sep 1794 in Fayette, Kentucky, United States and died on 26 Jul 1837 in Randolph, Missouri, United States, at age 42.

Edward R Bradley (M) was born on 10 Feb 1797 in Fayette, Kentucky, United States and died on 26 Jul 1833 in Fayette, Kentucky, United States, at age 36.

Levi Day Bradley (M) was born on 28 Jan 1799 in Fayette, Kentucky, United States and died before 1866 in Randolph, Missouri, United States.

Squire Boone Bradley (M) was born on 10 Mar 1801 in Fayette, Kentucky, United States, died in 1871 in Bradley Cemetery, Huntsville, Randolph County, Missouri, United States of America, at age 70, and was buried in Bradley Cemetery, Huntsville, Randolph, Missouri, United States of America.

Milton Bradley (M) was born on 7 Mar 1803 in Fayette, Kentucky, United States and died on 28 Feb 1865 in Randolph, Missouri, United States, at age 61.

Newton Bradley (M) was born on 14 Feb 1805 and died on 12 Mar 1895 in Fayette, Kentucky, United States, at age 90.

Lura Bradley (F) was born on 26 Aug 1806 in Fayette, Kentucky and died in 1870 in Monroe, Missouri, United States, at age 64.

Calvin Bradley (M) was born on 26 Aug 1811 in Fayette, Kentucky, United States and died in 1870 in Randolph, Arkansas, United States, at age 59.

John W Bradley (M) was born in 1758.

Edward R. Bradley Sr (M) was born on 25 Dec 1760 in North Carolina, British Colonial America, died in Jun 1826 in Austin, Texas, United States, at age 65, and was buried in 1826 in Sandy Point Cemetery, Brazoria, Republic of Texas.

Richard Bradley (M) was born in 1761 and died in 1826 in Edgecombe, North Carolina, United States, at age 65.

George Bradley (M) was born in 1762 and died in 1815 in Smith, Tennessee, United States, at age 53.

Molly Rebis Kelin Bradley (F) was born about 1764 and died after 1783.

Matthew Bradley (M) was born in 1766.

Edward Bradley Jr. (M) was born in 1726 in , Caroline, Virginia and died in 1805 in , , Kentucky, USA, at age 79.

William Bradley (M) was born in 1730 in Dorchester, Maryland, British Colonial America, died on 13 Apr 1812 in Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, United States, at age 82, and was buried in Hurst Family Cemetery, Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, United States.

Web page Last Updated: 23 January 2025