Many of these surnames are direct ancestors of mine.
Alderson Descendants (Broderick, Brodericke, Loftus, Metcalf, Naylor, Norton)
Grene Descendants (Atchison, Singleton)
Hammond Descendants (Alderson, Bartham, Dole, Heimbach, Hutchinson, Nowell, Plantagenet, Reynolds, Stephenson, Thomas, Trippe)
Heimbach Descendants (Seelbach)
Kaye Descendants (Key, Sigsworth)
Littlephaire Descendants (Defty, Elias, Littlefair, Oliver, Taylor)
Nixon Descendants (Taylor)
Sigsworth Descendants (Key)
Taylor Descendants (Nixon)
Wadsworth Descendants (Shawe, Waddesworth)
Web page Last Updated:
23 January 2025